We were all that kid. We probably still are that kid.
1.Your drawer of graphic band tees was more like a closet.

Source: makeagif.com/GFc5do
2. When you learned to play the recorder in elementary school you became addicted to the strong emotional reactions your music produced.

Source: http://marikawaitforitbass.tumblr.com/post/61900111706/when-i-hear-my-voice-in-a-video
3. You’re Mom had to remind you to practice the piano because you were too busy learning other instruments.

Source: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6eDRCdg9bc
4. After a good movie, your friends would rave about the actors or the plot and you would look up the song that played during the credits.

Source: https://giphy.com/gifs/filmeditor-comedy-wow-3o6wrzcyVdjrEC5UaY
5. If you heard new music you liked, not only would you listen to it over and over again but you’d also try to learn every part on every instrument.

Source: www.hulu.com/
6. You kept not only your first but second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, etc. concert tickets tucked away safely in an envelope.

Source: www.simpsonsworld.com
7. By the time you were 12, you knew your parent’s CD collection better than they did.

Source: https://twitter.com/Kingwole/status/826485113731047426
8. When your friends said “Let’s Start a Band” in high school, they wanted to look cool playing the guitar, but you were ready to write some Grammy level music.

Source: http://www.eonline.com/
9. Your parents urged you to go to college and get a degree in something “useful” so you have a stack of LSAT practice books somewhere in your apartment.

Source: http://filmlinc.org/nyff
10. Early on, you discovered bathrooms and closets were the best places for at-home-recording-studios and sometimes you can’t find a mic because it’s in the bathtub.

Source: http://www.ifc.com/
By Caroline Flynn
Music Gorilla Intern
instagram: @thecarolineflynn
One Comment
I really liked the ideas, but I’m also talented in singing but now I never get the chance to explore my talent just because of my background… Can I get help from you please?